Name | Frida Akmalia |
Name of institution | The Indonesian Researchers for Language Learning and Teaching (iRecall)Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Fiqih Syekh Nawawi Tanara |
E-mail address | |
frida akmalia | |
@fridaakmalia |
Academic title | |
Scientific degree, title | M.A |
Year degree was obtained | 2022 |
Discipline to which degree belongs | Arabic Language Education |
Institution granting the degree | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
Scientific degree, title | BA |
Year degree was obtained | 2018 |
Discipline to which degree belongs | Arabic Language Education |
Institution granting the degree | Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri |
Research area | Arabic language curriculum and materials development Teaching and learning Arabic Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in language education Sociolinguistics and discourse studies in language education Language assessment Language education Educational studies |
Research field in which current research is conducted | Educational studies Arabic language curriculum and materials development Arabic language education |
2023 | Akmalia, F. Supporting modern teaching in Islamic schools: Pedagogical best practice for teachers. Teaching Theology and Religion. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Akmalia, F. Educating Young Children with Diverse Languages and Cultures. Children & Society. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. Dismantling Educational Sexism through Teacher Education: Engaging Preservice Teachers in an Anti-Sexism Curriculum. Journal of Education for Teaching. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Akmalia, F. Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Teaching and Learning. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., Syihabuddin. Reading the Arab World: A Content-Based Textbook for Intermediate to Advanced Learners of Arabic. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Akmalia, F. Performative language teaching in early education: language learning through drama and the arts for children 3–7. Education 3-13. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia, F. Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research (Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition): A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2377-2379. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. Improving the Pedagogy of Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools: The Role of Critical Religious Education and Variation Theory. Religious Education. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. Teaching religious literacy to combat religious bullying: insights from North American Secondary Schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education. Language: English URL: |