iRecall telah berhasil menghantarkan riset anggotanya hingga terbit di jurnal-jurnal internasional bereputasi yang terindeks Scopus maupun Web of Science. Sebanyak 91 artikel telah terbit di jurnal-jurnal internasional.

Publikasi Presiden iRecall
Fikri Yanda

  1. Anita & Yanda, F. (2022). Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia: understanding the meaning, value, and use of shadow education by East Asian students. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 
  2. Fuadah, U. S., Sukma, Y., & Yanda, F. (2021). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 
  3. Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System. 
  4. Pratama, S., Bakti, T. R. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 
  5. Rambe, P., & Yanda, F. (2021). Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspective on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 
  6. Rinekso, A. B., Pertiwi, I., & Yanda, F. (2021). The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice. Educational Theory and Philosophy. 
  7. Septiana, A., Nursidah, & Yanda, F. (2022). Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry. Japanese Studies. 
  8. Setiawati, D., Purba, M. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility. Educational Theory and Philosophy. 
  9. Yanda, F, Muslim, A. B., & Suherdi, D. (2022). Values and Professional Knowledge in Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching. 
  10. Yanda, F. (2022). Teaching English to build peace in a war zone [Review of the book Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and english language teaching: Voices from the virtual intercultural borderlands, by A. J. Minett, S. E. Dietrich & D. Ekici]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(4), 575–576.
  11. Yanda, F. (2023). Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book: By Ali Fuad Selvi and Bedrettin Yazan. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(1), 709–714. Retrieved from 
  12. Yanda, F., & Aini, S. (2021). Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings. Educational Action Research. 
  13. Yanda, F., Aini, W., & Marifah, U. (2022). TESOL teacher education in a transnational world: turning challenges into innovative prospects. Journal of Education for Teaching. 
  14. Yanda, F., Zumrudiana, A., & Amalo, E. A. (2021). Global perspectives on teaching and learning: Paths in Islamic education. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.   

Publikasi Mentor iRecall
Frida Akmalia

  1. Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education. 
  2. Akmalia, F. (2022). Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research (Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition): A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2377-2379.
  3. Akmalia, F. (2023). Supporting modern teaching in Islamic schools: Pedagogical best practice for teachers. By Ismail Hussein Amzat (Ed.), Routledge: London. 2022. 302 pages. £27.99. ISBN 9781032044866. Teach Theol Relig.
  4. Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Improving the Pedagogy of Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools: The Role of Critical Religious Education and Variation Theory. Religious Education. 
  5. Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Teaching religious literacy to combat religious bullying: insights from North American Secondary Schools, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
  6. Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
  7. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education. 
  8. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives. 
  9. Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy. 
  10. Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 

Publikasi Mentor iReecall
Yunita Laila Yulfa

  1. Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education. 
  2. Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
  3. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education. 
  4. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives. 
  5. Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy. 
  6. Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 

Publikasi Mentor iRecall
Sayyid Ma’rifatulloh

  1. Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Budiman, M. A. (2022). Improving the pedagogy of Islamic religious education in secondary schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. 
  2. Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System. 
  3. Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 

Publikasi Peserta Pendampingan

  1. Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education. 
  2. Akmalia, F. (2022). Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research (Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition): A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2377-2379.
  3. Akmalia, F. (2023). Supporting modern teaching in Islamic schools: Pedagogical best practice for teachers. By Ismail Hussein Amzat (Ed.), Routledge: London. 2022. 302 pages. £27.99. ISBN 9781032044866. Teach Theol Relig.
  4. Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Improving the Pedagogy of Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools: The Role of Critical Religious Education and Variation Theory. Religious Education. 
  5. Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Teaching religious literacy to combat religious bullying: insights from North American Secondary Schools, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
  6. Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
  7. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education. 
  8. Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives. 
  9. Alek Andika & Warlim (2023) Rethinking the anthropology of love and tourism, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change,
  10. Amatullah, U. F., Nuryanti, & Setiawati, D. (2022). Building Better Schools with Evidence-Based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.
  11. Amirullah, A., Malela, N. M. & Biori, H. (2022). Financial Numeracy in Mathematics Education: Research and Practice. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education. 
  12. Ampareng, T., Nur Safitri, N. A. S., & Rochman, R. N. (2022). Dominant language constellations approach in education and language acquisition, edited by Larissa Aronin and Eva Vetter. Bilingual Research Journal. 
  13. Anggraeni, C. W. (2023). Language, culture and identity in two Chinese community schools. More than one way of being Chinese? Ethnic and Racial Studies. 
  14. Anggraeni, C. W. (2023). Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction: An Introduction. Asia TEFL.
  15. Anita & Yanda, F. (2022). Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia: understanding the meaning, value, and use of shadow education by East Asian students. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 
  16. Anita. (2022). Educating for peace and human rights: An introduction. Journal of Peace Education. 
  17. Arta, B., & Nurdiyani, N. (2023). Creating inclusive and engaging online courses: A teaching guide. The Social Science Journal. 
  18. Asiah, N., Hamdan, A. H., & Saripudin, M. (2022). Religious diversity at school: educating for new pluralistic contexts. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
  19. Badawi, A., Hamzah, A. M., & Ghassaniy, N. N. (2022). Book Review: Connecting Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Collected Papers on Mathematics Education as a Design Science. Policy Futures in Education, 0(0). 
  20. Beauty, A., Zulfa, L. F., & Iwan. (2022). Entropy and free energy in structural biology: From thermodynamics to statistical mechanics to computer simulation. Contemporary Physics.
  21. Daya, W. J. (2022). Sport and development in emerging nations. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 
  22. Ernawati, Nugraha, & Sari, M. (2022). Behavioral Finance and Your Portfolio: A Navigation Guide for Building Wealth. Quantitative Finance, 22(7), 1229-1230. 
  23. Ferianti & Mawarni, A. (2023). Handbook of applied teaching and learning in social work management education: theories, methods, and practices in higher education. Social Work Education. 
  24. Fikri & Hudri, M. (2023). Designing Intersectional Online Education: Critical Teaching and Learning Practices. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 
  25. Fuadah, U. S., Sukma, Y., & Yanda, F. (2021). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 
  26. Habibah, A., Sa’diyah, H., & Afan, M. (2022). Early language learning policy in the 21st century: an international perspective. Journal of Education Policy. 
  27. Hastowohadi, Megawati, F., & M. Arief Rakhman S. (2023). Vocational education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence informed practice for unemployed and disadvantaged youth. International Journal of Training Research. 
  28. Juliandi, Malik, A. A., & Masri. (2022). School physical education and teacher education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education. 
  29. Kusumaningrum, R. (2023). The economics of financial services in emerging markets: measuring the output of the banking and insurance industries. Eurasian Geography and Economics. 
  30. Kusumaningrum, R., Trihantana, R., & Thantawi, T. R. (2023). The Economics of Banking and Finance in Africa: Developments in Africa’s Financial Systems. Quantitative Finance. 
  31. Lestari et al. (2021). Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 
  32. Lestari, A. S., Khaliq, R., & Komalasari, S. (2021). Learning centred leadership in higher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 
  33. Ma’rifah, A. R., Khasanah, U., Hartanti, R. D., & Khasanah, N. N. (2022). Embracing the new two-child policy era: challenge and countermeasures of early care and education in China. Education 3-13. 
  34. Mahdalena, Hatta, M., & Riza, Z. (2022). Law and religious diversity in education: the right to difference. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. 
  35. Mamnunah et al. (2022). The Routledge Course on Media, Legal and Technical Translation: English-Arabic-English. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts.
  36. Marasabessy, R., Diana, N., & Yurmalia, D. (2021). Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2016-2019. British Journal of Educational Studies. 
  37. Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Budiman, M. A. (2022). Improving the pedagogy of Islamic religious education in secondary schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. 
  38. Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System. 
  39. Marlina, L., Senen, S. H. & Ahman, E. (2022). Higher education design: Big deal partnership, technologies and capabilities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 
  40. Maryono, G. (2021). Writing for publication: Liminal reflections for academics. Research in Comparative and International Education, 16(4), 503–505. 
  41. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Applying Islamic principles to clinical mental health care: introducing traditional Islamically integrated psychotherapy. Advances in Mental Health: Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention. 
  42. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Book Review: The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View. The Downside Review. 
  43. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Muslim environmentalism: religious and social foundation. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 
  44. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an. Sexualities. 
  45. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm. Theology and Science.
  46. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Islam Through Objects. Material Religion.
  47. Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Rising Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia Islamic Groups and Identity Politics, by Leonard C. Sebastian, Syafiq Hasyim, Alexander R. Arifianto, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 178(1), 136-139. 
  48. Muchlis, E. E., & Maizora, S. (2023). Curiosity Empowerment for Mathematics Learning. Science & Education. 
  49. Muchlis, E. E., Priatna, N. & Maizora, S. (2023). Developing mathematical thinking skills through technology-based learning: a review of “technology-enabled mathematics education: optimising student engagement”. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 
  50. Mustapa, H. (2022). What is Religious Authority?: Cultivating Islamic Communities in Indonesia By Ismail Fajrie Alatas. Princeton University Press, 2021. 256 pages. Hardback, US$95.00, ISBN: 9780691204307. Paperback, $24.95, ISBN: 9780691204314. International Journal of Asian Studies, 1-4. 
  51. Nastitie, Ridwan. & Rahayu, P. (2022). Using Mathematics to Understand the World: How Culture Promotes Children’s Mathematics. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education, 22, 998–1001.
  52. Nur, R. J., & Nurhaliza. (2023). Transgressing teacher education strategies for equity, opportunity, and social justice in urban teacher preparation and practice. Learning: Research and Practice. 
  53. Nur’aini, F., Unaizahroya, I., & Sholicha, Y. M. (2022). Social Work Education: Indigenous Perspectives, Sanjoy Roy (ed.). The British Journal of Social Work. bcac100. 
  54. Nurhidayah, M. I., & Awaliah, Y. R. (2023). Emotion pictures: Movies and feelings. Quarterly Review of Film and Video. 
  55. Pratama, S., Bakti, T. R. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 
  56. Putri, S., Huda, E., & Nikmah, N. (2022). Education and Climate Change: The Role of Universities – Fernando M. Reimers, Switzerland: Springer, 2021. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1-3.
  57. Rafidiyah, D., Humaera, I., & Supraptiningsih, N. (2021). Understanding Islam: A guide for teachers. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.  
  58. Rahayu, N., Hamied, F. A. & Sukyadi, D. (2022). Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and English language teaching: from the virtual intercultural borderlands, Journal of Peace Education. 
  59. Rambe, P., & Yanda, F. (2021). Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspective on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 
  60. Rinekso, A. B., Pertiwi, I., & Yanda, F. (2021). The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice. Educational Theory and Philosophy. 
  61. Rini, A. S., Rizki, P., & Rinekso, A. B. (2022). What is critical in language studies: Disclosing social inequalities and injustice. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 
  62. Riski, A., & Bahar, P. (2023). Feminist perspectives on contemporary educational leadership. Leadership. 
  63. Rizaldi, A., & Manik, P. C. H. (2023). Social work education in Europe: European social work education and practice. Social Work Education. 
  64. Rizki, T. W., & Saripudin, M. (2022). University and school collaborations during a pandemic: Sustaining educational opportunity and reinventing education. Educational Review. 
  65. Saripudin, M. & Sunarya, Y. (2022). Using Superheroes and Villains in Counseling and Play Therapy: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. International Journal of Play. 
  66. Saripudin, M. (2022). Childhoods in peace and conflict. Journal of Peace Education. 
  67. Saripudin, M. (2022). Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking: research-based strategies for the classroom, Educational Review.
  68. Saripudin, M., & Hamdan, A. H. (2022). Toward a positive psychology of Islam and Muslims: Spirituality, struggle, and social justice. Critical Research on Religion. 
  69. Septiana, A., Nursidah, & Yanda, F. (2022). Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry. Japanese Studies. 
  70. Setiawati, D., Purba, M. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility. Educational Theory and Philosophy. 
  71. Setyaningrum, A., & Wati, N. S. (2021). Professionalizing your English language teaching. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 
  72. Setyowati, Y., Firda, R., & Kasmita, W. (2021). STEM Education: Exploring Practices Across Education Levels. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 
  73. Susanti, A. & Fatoni, M. (2023). Person to Person Peacebuilding, Intercultural Communication and English Language Teachings. Intercultural Education. 
  74. Susilowati, N. E., Sulsilah, H., & Amin, A. M. (2022). Physics Education by Hans Ernst Fischer and Raimund Girwidz (2021). Teachers College Record.
  75. Suswati, R. (2022). Universities and regional engagement: from the exceptional to the everyday. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 
  76. Syartanti, N. I., Widawati, R., & Cartono. (2022). Politics, ethnicity, and the postcolonial nation: A critical analysis of political discourse in the Caribbean. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(1), 174-176.
  77. Tambunan, R. (2022). Educating the reasonable: political liberalism and public education, International Studies in Sociology of Education.
  78. Tambunan, R. (2022). The right to higher education: a political theory. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
  79. Taufika, R., Hidayad, R., & Yanda, F. (2023). Reconstructing Democracy and Citizenship Education: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 
  80. Thamrin, N. S., & Fahri, A. (2023). Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback. AMLE. 
  81. Triansyah, F. A. (2022). New Economies for Sustainability. Langergaard, Luise Li Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. 2022. 273 Hardback. xii, pp ISBN 978-3-030-81742-8 ISBN 978-3-030-81743-5 (e-book). Regional Science Policy & Practice. 
  82. Triansyah, F. A., Melani, R. & Napis, M. S. H. (2022). The philosophy of higher education: a critical introduction, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
  83. Wahyuni, S., Suparman, A. & Kasmita, W. (2022). Teaching–Learning Contemporary Physics: from Research to Practice. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education. 
  84. Yanda, F, Muslim, A. B., & Suherdi, D. (2022). Values and Professional Knowledge in Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching. 
  85. Yanda, F. (2022). Teaching English to build peace in a war zone [Review of the book Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and english language teaching: Voices from the virtual intercultural borderlands, by A. J. Minett, S. E. Dietrich & D. Ekici]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(4), 575–576.
  86. Yanda, F. (2023). Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book: By Ali Fuad Selvi and Bedrettin Yazan. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(1), 709–714. Retrieved from 
  87. Yanda, F., & Aini, S. (2021). Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings. Educational Action Research. 
  88. Yanda, F., Aini, W., & Marifah, U. (2022). TESOL teacher education in a transnational world: turning challenges into innovative prospects. Journal of Education for Teaching. 
  89. Yanda, F., Zumrudiana, A., & Amalo, E. A. (2021). Global perspectives on teaching and learning: Paths in Islamic education. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.  
  90. Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy.  
  91. Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies.