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Publikasi Presiden iRecall
Fikri Yanda
- Anita & Yanda, F. (2022). Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia: understanding the meaning, value, and use of shadow education by East Asian students. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Fuadah, U. S., Sukma, Y., & Yanda, F. (2021). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
- Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System.
- Pratama, S., Bakti, T. R. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
- Rambe, P., & Yanda, F. (2021). Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspective on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
- Rinekso, A. B., Pertiwi, I., & Yanda, F. (2021). The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice. Educational Theory and Philosophy.
- Septiana, A., Nursidah, & Yanda, F. (2022). Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry. Japanese Studies.
- Setiawati, D., Purba, M. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility. Educational Theory and Philosophy.
- Yanda, F, Muslim, A. B., & Suherdi, D. (2022). Values and Professional Knowledge in Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Yanda, F. (2022). Teaching English to build peace in a war zone [Review of the book Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and english language teaching: Voices from the virtual intercultural borderlands, by A. J. Minett, S. E. Dietrich & D. Ekici]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(4), 575–576.
- Yanda, F. (2023). Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book: By Ali Fuad Selvi and Bedrettin Yazan. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(1), 709–714. Retrieved from
- Yanda, F., & Aini, S. (2021). Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings. Educational Action Research.
- Yanda, F., Aini, W., & Marifah, U. (2022). TESOL teacher education in a transnational world: turning challenges into innovative prospects. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Yanda, F., Zumrudiana, A., & Amalo, E. A. (2021). Global perspectives on teaching and learning: Paths in Islamic education. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
Publikasi Mentor iRecall
Frida Akmalia
- Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education.
- Akmalia, F. (2022). Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research (Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition): A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2377-2379.
- Akmalia, F. (2023). Supporting modern teaching in Islamic schools: Pedagogical best practice for teachers. By Ismail Hussein Amzat (Ed.), Routledge: London. 2022. 302 pages. £27.99. ISBN 9781032044866. Teach Theol Relig.
- Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Improving the Pedagogy of Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools: The Role of Critical Religious Education and Variation Theory. Religious Education.
- Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Teaching religious literacy to combat religious bullying: insights from North American Secondary Schools, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives.
- Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy.
- Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Publikasi Mentor iReecall
Yunita Laila Yulfa
- Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education.
- Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives.
- Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy.
- Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Publikasi Mentor iRecall
Sayyid Ma’rifatulloh
- Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Budiman, M. A. (2022). Improving the pedagogy of Islamic religious education in secondary schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System.
- Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Publikasi Peserta Pendampingan
- Akmalia F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Sauri, S. (2022). The Arabic Classroom. Policy Futures in Education.
- Akmalia, F. (2022). Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research (Identities, Languages and Cultures in Transition): A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 27(10), 2377-2379.
- Akmalia, F. (2023). Supporting modern teaching in Islamic schools: Pedagogical best practice for teachers. By Ismail Hussein Amzat (Ed.), Routledge: London. 2022. 302 pages. £27.99. ISBN 9781032044866. Teach Theol Relig.
- Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Improving the Pedagogy of Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools: The Role of Critical Religious Education and Variation Theory. Religious Education.
- Akmalia, F., & Maghfiroh, S. (2022). Teaching religious literacy to combat religious bullying: insights from North American Secondary Schools, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Akmalia, F., & Zulfa, Y. L. (2022). From study abroad to education abroad language proficiency intercultural competence and diversity. Intercultural Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Kuraedah, S. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a heritage language. Language and Education.
- Akmalia, F., Zulfa, Y. L., & Nurbayan, Y. (2022). The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic. Perspectives.
- Alek Andika & Warlim (2023) Rethinking the anthropology of love and tourism, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change,
- Amatullah, U. F., Nuryanti, & Setiawati, D. (2022). Building Better Schools with Evidence-Based Policy: Adaptable Policy for Teachers and School Leaders. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.
- Amirullah, A., Malela, N. M. & Biori, H. (2022). Financial Numeracy in Mathematics Education: Research and Practice. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education.
- Ampareng, T., Nur Safitri, N. A. S., & Rochman, R. N. (2022). Dominant language constellations approach in education and language acquisition, edited by Larissa Aronin and Eva Vetter. Bilingual Research Journal.
- Anggraeni, C. W. (2023). Language, culture and identity in two Chinese community schools. More than one way of being Chinese? Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Anggraeni, C. W. (2023). Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction: An Introduction. Asia TEFL.
- Anita & Yanda, F. (2022). Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia: understanding the meaning, value, and use of shadow education by East Asian students. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Anita. (2022). Educating for peace and human rights: An introduction. Journal of Peace Education.
- Arta, B., & Nurdiyani, N. (2023). Creating inclusive and engaging online courses: A teaching guide. The Social Science Journal.
- Asiah, N., Hamdan, A. H., & Saripudin, M. (2022). Religious diversity at school: educating for new pluralistic contexts. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Badawi, A., Hamzah, A. M., & Ghassaniy, N. N. (2022). Book Review: Connecting Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Collected Papers on Mathematics Education as a Design Science. Policy Futures in Education, 0(0).
- Beauty, A., Zulfa, L. F., & Iwan. (2022). Entropy and free energy in structural biology: From thermodynamics to statistical mechanics to computer simulation. Contemporary Physics.
- Daya, W. J. (2022). Sport and development in emerging nations. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics.
- Ernawati, Nugraha, & Sari, M. (2022). Behavioral Finance and Your Portfolio: A Navigation Guide for Building Wealth. Quantitative Finance, 22(7), 1229-1230.
- Ferianti & Mawarni, A. (2023). Handbook of applied teaching and learning in social work management education: theories, methods, and practices in higher education. Social Work Education.
- Fikri & Hudri, M. (2023). Designing Intersectional Online Education: Critical Teaching and Learning Practices. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
- Fuadah, U. S., Sukma, Y., & Yanda, F. (2021). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
- Habibah, A., Sa’diyah, H., & Afan, M. (2022). Early language learning policy in the 21st century: an international perspective. Journal of Education Policy.
- Hastowohadi, Megawati, F., & M. Arief Rakhman S. (2023). Vocational education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence informed practice for unemployed and disadvantaged youth. International Journal of Training Research.
- Juliandi, Malik, A. A., & Masri. (2022). School physical education and teacher education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education.
- Kusumaningrum, R. (2023). The economics of financial services in emerging markets: measuring the output of the banking and insurance industries. Eurasian Geography and Economics.
- Kusumaningrum, R., Trihantana, R., & Thantawi, T. R. (2023). The Economics of Banking and Finance in Africa: Developments in Africa’s Financial Systems. Quantitative Finance.
- Lestari et al. (2021). Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
- Lestari, A. S., Khaliq, R., & Komalasari, S. (2021). Learning centred leadership in higher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
- Ma’rifah, A. R., Khasanah, U., Hartanti, R. D., & Khasanah, N. N. (2022). Embracing the new two-child policy era: challenge and countermeasures of early care and education in China. Education 3-13.
- Mahdalena, Hatta, M., & Riza, Z. (2022). Law and religious diversity in education: the right to difference. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Mamnunah et al. (2022). The Routledge Course on Media, Legal and Technical Translation: English-Arabic-English. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts.
- Marasabessy, R., Diana, N., & Yurmalia, D. (2021). Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2016-2019. British Journal of Educational Studies.
- Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Budiman, M. A. (2022). Improving the pedagogy of Islamic religious education in secondary schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2022). Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System.
- Marlina, L., Senen, S. H. & Ahman, E. (2022). Higher education design: Big deal partnership, technologies and capabilities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
- Maryono, G. (2021). Writing for publication: Liminal reflections for academics. Research in Comparative and International Education, 16(4), 503–505.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Applying Islamic principles to clinical mental health care: introducing traditional Islamically integrated psychotherapy. Advances in Mental Health: Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Book Review: The Humanity of Muhammad: A Christian View. The Downside Review.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2021). Muslim environmentalism: religious and social foundation. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an. Sexualities.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm. Theology and Science.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Islam Through Objects. Material Religion.
- Misbah, M., & Setyaningrum, A. (2022). Rising Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia Islamic Groups and Identity Politics, by Leonard C. Sebastian, Syafiq Hasyim, Alexander R. Arifianto, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 178(1), 136-139.
- Muchlis, E. E., & Maizora, S. (2023). Curiosity Empowerment for Mathematics Learning. Science & Education.
- Muchlis, E. E., Priatna, N. & Maizora, S. (2023). Developing mathematical thinking skills through technology-based learning: a review of “technology-enabled mathematics education: optimising student engagement”. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
- Mustapa, H. (2022). What is Religious Authority?: Cultivating Islamic Communities in Indonesia By Ismail Fajrie Alatas. Princeton University Press, 2021. 256 pages. Hardback, US$95.00, ISBN: 9780691204307. Paperback, $24.95, ISBN: 9780691204314. International Journal of Asian Studies, 1-4.
- Nastitie, Ridwan. & Rahayu, P. (2022). Using Mathematics to Understand the World: How Culture Promotes Children’s Mathematics. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education, 22, 998–1001.
- Nur, R. J., & Nurhaliza. (2023). Transgressing teacher education strategies for equity, opportunity, and social justice in urban teacher preparation and practice. Learning: Research and Practice.
- Nur’aini, F., Unaizahroya, I., & Sholicha, Y. M. (2022). Social Work Education: Indigenous Perspectives, Sanjoy Roy (ed.). The British Journal of Social Work. bcac100.
- Nurhidayah, M. I., & Awaliah, Y. R. (2023). Emotion pictures: Movies and feelings. Quarterly Review of Film and Video.
- Pratama, S., Bakti, T. R. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
- Putri, S., Huda, E., & Nikmah, N. (2022). Education and Climate Change: The Role of Universities – Fernando M. Reimers, Switzerland: Springer, 2021. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1-3.
- Rafidiyah, D., Humaera, I., & Supraptiningsih, N. (2021). Understanding Islam: A guide for teachers. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Rahayu, N., Hamied, F. A. & Sukyadi, D. (2022). Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and English language teaching: from the virtual intercultural borderlands, Journal of Peace Education.
- Rambe, P., & Yanda, F. (2021). Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspective on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
- Rinekso, A. B., Pertiwi, I., & Yanda, F. (2021). The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice. Educational Theory and Philosophy.
- Rini, A. S., Rizki, P., & Rinekso, A. B. (2022). What is critical in language studies: Disclosing social inequalities and injustice. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
- Riski, A., & Bahar, P. (2023). Feminist perspectives on contemporary educational leadership. Leadership.
- Rizaldi, A., & Manik, P. C. H. (2023). Social work education in Europe: European social work education and practice. Social Work Education.
- Rizki, T. W., & Saripudin, M. (2022). University and school collaborations during a pandemic: Sustaining educational opportunity and reinventing education. Educational Review.
- Saripudin, M. & Sunarya, Y. (2022). Using Superheroes and Villains in Counseling and Play Therapy: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. International Journal of Play.
- Saripudin, M. (2022). Childhoods in peace and conflict. Journal of Peace Education.
- Saripudin, M. (2022). Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking: research-based strategies for the classroom, Educational Review.
- Saripudin, M., & Hamdan, A. H. (2022). Toward a positive psychology of Islam and Muslims: Spirituality, struggle, and social justice. Critical Research on Religion.
- Septiana, A., Nursidah, & Yanda, F. (2022). Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry. Japanese Studies.
- Setiawati, D., Purba, M. S., & Yanda, F. (2021). Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility. Educational Theory and Philosophy.
- Setyaningrum, A., & Wati, N. S. (2021). Professionalizing your English language teaching. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
- Setyowati, Y., Firda, R., & Kasmita, W. (2021). STEM Education: Exploring Practices Across Education Levels. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
- Susanti, A. & Fatoni, M. (2023). Person to Person Peacebuilding, Intercultural Communication and English Language Teachings. Intercultural Education.
- Susilowati, N. E., Sulsilah, H., & Amin, A. M. (2022). Physics Education by Hans Ernst Fischer and Raimund Girwidz (2021). Teachers College Record.
- Suswati, R. (2022). Universities and regional engagement: from the exceptional to the everyday. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
- Syartanti, N. I., Widawati, R., & Cartono. (2022). Politics, ethnicity, and the postcolonial nation: A critical analysis of political discourse in the Caribbean. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(1), 174-176.
- Tambunan, R. (2022). Educating the reasonable: political liberalism and public education, International Studies in Sociology of Education.
- Tambunan, R. (2022). The right to higher education: a political theory. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
- Taufika, R., Hidayad, R., & Yanda, F. (2023). Reconstructing Democracy and Citizenship Education: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies.
- Thamrin, N. S., & Fahri, A. (2023). Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback. AMLE.
- Triansyah, F. A. (2022). New Economies for Sustainability. Langergaard, Luise Li Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. 2022. 273 Hardback. xii, pp ISBN 978-3-030-81742-8 ISBN 978-3-030-81743-5 (e-book). Regional Science Policy & Practice.
- Triansyah, F. A., Melani, R. & Napis, M. S. H. (2022). The philosophy of higher education: a critical introduction, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.
- Wahyuni, S., Suparman, A. & Kasmita, W. (2022). Teaching–Learning Contemporary Physics: from Research to Practice. Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education.
- Yanda, F, Muslim, A. B., & Suherdi, D. (2022). Values and Professional Knowledge in Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Yanda, F. (2022). Teaching English to build peace in a war zone [Review of the book Person to person peacebuilding, intercultural communication and english language teaching: Voices from the virtual intercultural borderlands, by A. J. Minett, S. E. Dietrich & D. Ekici]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(4), 575–576.
- Yanda, F. (2023). Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book: By Ali Fuad Selvi and Bedrettin Yazan. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(1), 709–714. Retrieved from
- Yanda, F., & Aini, S. (2021). Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings. Educational Action Research.
- Yanda, F., Aini, W., & Marifah, U. (2022). TESOL teacher education in a transnational world: turning challenges into innovative prospects. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Yanda, F., Zumrudiana, A., & Amalo, E. A. (2021). Global perspectives on teaching and learning: Paths in Islamic education. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.
- Zulfa F., Akmalia, F., & Nurbayan, Y. (2021). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. Journal of Education Policy.
- Zulfa, Y. L., Akmalia, F., & Ma’rifatulloh, S. (2022). Museums of language and the display of intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies.