
Name | Fikri Yanda |
Name of institution | The Indonesian Researchers for Language Learning and Teaching (iRecall) |
E-mail address | |
Fikri Yanda Daswarlen | |
@fikriyandabey | |
YouTube | Fikri Yanda |
Scientific degree, title | MA |
Year degree was obtained | 2013 |
Discipline to which degree belongs | English Language Education |
Institution granting the degree | Universitas Negeri Malang |
Scientific degree, title | BA |
Year degree was obtained | 2010 |
Discipline to which degree belongs | English Language Education |
Institution granting the degree | Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel |
Research area | Educational studies Language curriculum and materials development Higher education curriculum Spirituality in language education Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in language education Sociolinguistics and discourse studies in language education Language teacher professional development Language assessment Private tutoring/shadow education |
Research field in which current research is conducted | Educational studies Language curriculum and materials development Higher education curriculum |
PUBLICATIONS Siregar, R. A., Nurhidayah, M. I., & Yanda, F. (2024). Cultural knowledge and values in English language teaching materials: (Multimodal) representations and stakeholders. Intercultural Education. Siregar, R. A., & Yanda, F. (2024). Innovating the TESOL practicum in teacher education: Design, implementation, and pedagogy in an era of change (1st ed.), by Pu, C. and Wright, W. E. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. Yanda, F., & Zakiah, L. N. (2024). Pornography, ideology, and the internet: A Japanese adult video actress in Mainland China. Sexualities. Marwing, A., Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. (2024). The psychology of political communication: politicians under the microscope. The Journal of International Communication. | |
2023 | Lardika, R. A., Yanda, F., & Tarigan, B. Outdoor environmental education in the contemporary world. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Ardiansyah, Z., & Yanda, F. Islam, education, and radicalism in Indonesia: instructing piety. Asian Studies Review. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Taufika, R., Hidayad, R., & Yanda, F. Reconstructing Democracy and Citizenship Education: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Language: English URL: |
2023 | Langoday, G. D., Asparill, T. A., & Yanda, F. Peace pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: theory and practice in formal education. Journal of Peace Education. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Anita & Yanda, F. Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia: understanding the meaning, value, and use of shadow education by East Asian students. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Septiana, A., Nursidah, & Yanda, F. Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry. Japanese Studies. Language: English URL: |
2022 | Ma’rifatulloh, S., & Yanda, F. Competency-Based Teacher Education for English as a Foreign Language. System. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Pratama, S., Bakti, T. R. S., & Yanda, F. Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Setiawati, D., Purba, M. S., & Yanda, F. Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility. Educational Theory and Philosophy. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Rinekso, A. B., Pertiwi, I., & Yanda, F. The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice. Educational Theory and Philosophy. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Rambe, P., & Yanda, F. Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspective on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools. Compare. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Fuadah, U. S., Sukma, Y., & Yanda, F. [Review of the Book Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States by Liping Ma]. Educational Studies in Mathematics. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Yanda, F., & Aini, S. [Review of the Book Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings by Jongsung Kim, Nariakira Yoshida, Shotaro Iwata, and Hiromi Kawaguchi]. Educational Action Research. Language: English URL: |
2021 | Yanda, F., Zumrudiana, A., & Amalo, E. A. [Review of the Book Global perspectives on teaching and learning: Paths in Islamic education by Miftachul Huda, Jimaain Safar, Ahmad Kilani Mohamed, Kamarul Azmi Jasmi, and Bushrah Basiron]. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. Language: English URL: |